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Paul Moxon

SVP Data Architecture & Chief Evangelist

Data is at the center of this digital transformation, but caution needs to be taken to ensure customers’ data rights, privacy and security are top priorities, especially with initiatives like Open Banking and shifts to Cloud environments. So how do banks move forward, living up to market expectations and staying competitive while protecting their customers and complying with regulations?

Banking institutions need to update their legacy systems and implement strategies and services that will transform them into digital financial organizations. They need agile access to information that can be leveraged to make timely business decisions, yet still fulfill the regulatory requirements.

Banks in the digital transformation era, need a single view of all their data and a way to establish security controls across the entire infrastructure.

In this webinar, we will discuss how data virtualization can update and modernize data architectures in the digital transformation era. We will present success stories of banking companies who already use data virtualization to differentiate themselves from the competition, optimize processes, and create new business opportunities through more agile data management.

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