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Denodo, the leader in data virtualization, announced that it has been recognized for receiving the highest Overall Rating in the Gartner, Gartner Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer”: Data Integration Tools, 18 January 2019. Rated 4.9 out of 5 overall by end-user professionals who have experienced purchasing, implementing and/or using the solution, Denodo scored the highest in four out of five categories which include: Willingness to Recommend (100%), Product Capabilities (4.8 out of 5), Evaluation and Contracting (4.8 out of 5), and Integration and Deployment (5.0 out of 5).

Denodo Free Trial

Erleben Sie alle Vorteile von Denodo Enterprise Plus mit Agora, unserem vollständig verwalteten Cloud-Service.


Denodo Express

Der kostenlose Einstieg in die Datenvirtualisierung