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The race is on! Winners and losers in business are being decided based on who can extract more value from exponentially increasing information, with agility, to meet business goals. The vision of many to many, data sources to data consumers, is very appealing to top executives but IT is struggling to get there fast enough. Data Virtualization offers the solution that is fast and strategic at the same time. With Denodo, business strategists, CIOs and other IT experts can plan the implementation of a shared data layer across the enterprise, expose a  common data model and a unified interface over a multiplicity of diverse data sources that can feed and support an increasing number of business applications, from BI and analytics to portals, operational applications and web and mobile apps.

Denodo Free Trial

30-tägige Testversion in der Cloud, um die vollständige Denodo Standard zu testen


Denodo Express

Der kostenlose Einstieg in die Datenvirtualisierung