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At Denodo, we are saddened by the rapidly escalating situation around the world as a result of COVID-19, and would like to do our part to help accelerate the discovery and implementation of solutions to these exceptional circumstances. As a company, we do our best to build a better world every day – social responsibility has always been a core value in our corporate doctrine. Now, when we are all fighting the COVID-19 crisis, we want to leverage our collective genius to contribute in this battle. In light of the current pandemic, we are announcing today four initiatives that involve action through our customers, partners, and internal teams:

  • Customer Unlimited Software Access – For the next three months and with automatic extension while the state of emergency remains in force, all our customers will have access to unlimited capacity of the Denodo Platform, at no additional cost, for all initiatives related with the COVID-19 crisis. We don't want any customer limited on computing capacity for projects connected with health research, healthcare or any organizational function aimed to optimize the response to the COVID-19. Denodo will provide licenses on request at any level of capacity for those customers in need of computing power for data processing related to the pandemic. 
  • Partner Unlimited Software Access – Also effective today and initially for the next three months with extension while the state of emergency is in force, all Denodo Partners will have access to the Denodo Platform, at no additional cost, to implement solutions related with the COVID-19 fight. Denodo will provide licenses to Partners aimed at implementing data solutions for patient care, vaccine research, and public health management in any territory worldwide. 
  • Single View of Pandemic – Denodo has launched an internal initiative using data virtualization to connect and unify all data about the virus outbreak from information dispersed in multiple data repositories worldwide. The goal is to create awareness about the disease and produce free consumable data sets for faster and better decision making in addressing this pandemic.
  • Denodo Employees Volunteering Time to Fight the Pandemic - At an individual level, our multinational and multi-ethnic workforce spread in 18 countries will step up in fighting the pandemic. We are all unified in this global mission and have always been fully committed to contribute to our local communities. To facilitate employees’ involvement in local non-profit relief programs that health authorities are implementing in the different locations, Denodo is allocating 1 day per week to those employees who decide to join non-profits in fighting the devastating consequences for mankind that this pandemic is producing in our communities.

We know that working together, we will win this battle in a short period of time. Some of our customers and partners are already using data virtualization technology on innovative solutions to help control the spread of this virus, provide healthcare, and find a cure for the disease. Working to ensure business continuity to them is probably the most important contribution we can make to the current crisis. Now, by announcing the above initiatives, we will add the best of Denodo to the sustained collective effort we need against the pandemic.

Ángel Viña
CEO and Founder

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