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cimt see information technology as a management task in the context of a broad perspective of processes, people and technology. cimt consult according to your specific needs and requirements. cimt solutions are based on our entrepreneurial independence and our approach is to focus on solutions rather than manufacturers or platforms. Not only do cimt focus on up-to-date technologies and processes, but also take well established structures in your company into account. That's why cimt solutions are as diverse as our customers. cimt consulting services are based on deep product and technology expertise, which cimt use to meet the requirements of your specific processes. cimt customers trust in cimt consulting services independent from single suppliers, the innovative strength of solutions and needless to say in cimt's excellent consultants.

Prueba Denodo Gratis

30 días de prueba gratis en la nube para probar Denodo Standard


Denodo Express

La ruta gratuita hacia la virtualización de datos