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Paul Moxon

SVP Data Architecture & Chief Evangelist

Katrina Briedis

Principal Product Marketing Manager

IDC predicts that the amount of data created across the globe will grow by more than 3x over the next four years (from 12.4ZB in 2021 to more than 40ZB in 2025) and 25% of the global datasphere will consist of real-time data by 2025. Data management and data integration pose significant barriers to leveraging this data.

IDC’s concept of the Data Control Plane can help to address these challenges. It is an architectural layer that combines a holistic set of data activities to manage and control the behavior of people and processes in the use of distributed, diverse, and dynamic data to better support and drive enterprise intelligence initiatives.

Enterprises have traditionally depended on Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) and other approaches for Data Integration. This involves data replication and movement from source to a centralized repository and has proven to be costly, cumbersome, and inefficient. The Data Control Plane powered by Data Virtualization is gaining momentum in enterprise architectures by virtue of its logical and real-time data integration and management capabilities.

Catch this on-demand to learn more about the Data Control Plane and how Denodo’s Logical Data Platform can play a critical role in this approach to unlock enterprise intelligence within the APAC Region.

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