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Jason Stamper

Research Manager, Data & Analytics Europe

Neil Ward-Dutton

VP, AI, Automation & Analytics, Europe

Kevin Bohan

Director of Product Marketing

IDC data shows that between 2021 and 2022 there has been a 10% increase in European organizations that are in the more mature stages of their sustainability initiatives; while for 19% of European organizations, over 10% of their IT budget is driven by sustainability-related actions.

Data lies at the heart of an ESG framework, yet it remains a major hurdle. For most organizations data is stored in numerous different silos, from mainframes, to mid-range servers, different data warehouses, and of course the cloud. Enterprises have difficulty bringing all of this data together in a coherent way – and if they cannot, risk their ESG (environmental, social and governance) initiatives failing. They need to be able to monitor, manage and enhance their sustainability plans, and that requires consistent, joined-up data.

This webinar will explore the reasons for the growing importance of sustainability to organizations – led by customers, shareholders, the supply-chain as well as regulators. It will explain the challenges around the management of data in a sustainability context, and go on to advise how data virtualization can be a valuable resource in tackling the issue. It will conclude by summarizing some of the key benefits that data virtualization brings to an enterprise’s sustainability goals.

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