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Google Cloud Next '24

You’re invited to join some of the world’s leading technology experts and innovators in Las Vegas this April at Google Cloud Next ’24. You’ll learn from thought leaders, understand perspectives from Google Cloud customers and partners, and gain interactive experience in areas like security and cloud operations. 

You won’t want to miss our deep-dive programs on gen AI — with sessions geared towards helping IT and business leaders, security professionals, and developers tap into this rapidly evolving technology. Implement strategies and innovations backed by data, analytics and data science to navigate disruption. Lead purposefully by balancing trust, accountability, governance and security with adaptability and responsiveness. Scale your purpose beyond organizational silos, across value chains and ecosystems to foster societal perseverance. Leverage cloud-based data management to optimize costs in the current economic environment

Don’t miss the Denodo Cloud Talk: 

WEDNESDAY APRIL 10, 12:50 PM-1:05 PM PT - Taking place on the exhibit floor in the Cloud Talk Theater, #140

Switching Cloud Providers: Changing Courses and Making the Grade.

Indiana University (IU) seamlessly transferred crucial learning management data from AWS to GCP using the Denodo Logical Data Platform, ensuring a smooth transition without disruptions or data replication. Join this session to learn the intricacies of this process and discover how IU harnessed Denodo’s massively parallel processing (MPP) for in-depth data analysis and predicting positive student outcomes.

By: Dan Young, Chief Data Architect and Director at Institutional Data Services, Indiana University.

Visit us in booth # 1362!

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