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DAMA Vancouver - Enabling a Data Mesh Architecture and Data Sharing Culture

Data Mesh presents a new distributed and decentralized paradigm for data management, where autonomous domains expose their own data as "data products" to the rest of the organization. Data Mesh aims to reduce bottlenecks caused by excessive dependency on centralized IT teams by capitalizing on the specialized data knowledge that domain users already have. However, Data Mesh literature leaves the implementation of these ideas very open to each organization.

Pablo Alvarez, Global Director of Product Management at Denodo, will discuss what a Data Mesh is, how Data Mesh works, and how Data Management/Virtualization platforms fit into this type of architecture. From there Pablo will share an example of how a company evolved from a traditional architecture to a logical architecture, and eventually implemented a Data Mesh model using Data Virtualization.

You will learn:

  • The key ideas of a Data Mesh
  • How Data Virtualization can help you implement a Data Mesh
  • How a company can evolve from traditional analytic architecture to Data Mesh
  • Best practices for implementing a Data Mesh with Data Virtualization

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