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Kevin Munley

Evangelist for Customer Success in Business Intelligence, Data Management and IT Staff Augmentation

Suntosh Murthy

Senior Partner Channel Sales Engineer

Brian Cook

Director of Data Services

Join KashTech and Denodo to discover how Data Virtualization can help accelerate your time-to-value from data while reducing the costs at the same time.

Gartner has predicted that organizations using Data Virtualization will spend 40% less on data integration than those using traditional technologies. Denodo customers have experienced time-to-deliver improvements of up to 90% within their data provisioning processes and cost savings of 50% or more. As Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding Jr.) said in the movie 'Jerry Maguire', "Show me the money!"

Watch on-demand to learn how Data Virtualization can:

  • Accelerate the delivery of data to users
  • Drive digital transformation initiatives
  • Reduce project costs and timelines
  • Quickly deliver value to your organization

Download the Introduction to Data Virtualization Ebook!

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