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Paul Moxon

SVP Data Architecture & Chief Evangelist

Data Fabric has been a hot topic in town and Gartner has termed it as one of the top strategic technology trends for 2022. Noticeably, many mid-to-large organizations are also starting to adopt this logical data fabric architecture while others are still curious about how it works.

With a better understanding of data fabric, you will be able to architect a logical data fabric to enable agile data solutions that honor enterprise governance and security, support operations with automated recommendations, and ultimately, reduce the cost of maintaining hybrid environments.

In this on-demand session, you will learn:

  • What is a data fabric?
  • How is a physical data fabric different from a logical data fabric?
  • Which one should you use and when?
  • What’s the underlying technology that makes up the data fabric?
  • Which companies are successfully using it and for what use case?
  • How can I get started and what are the best practices to avoid pitfalls?

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