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Analytics. It’s a $200 billion industry fueled by the speed, scale and competition of the rising digital economy. But with all the investments in analytics being made by businesses looking to gain an edge in this world, there’s one question no one seems to be asking: When do we stop buying into partial solutions that overpromise and underdeliver? The answer is “now.” Teradata leverages all of the data, all of the time, so you can analyze anything, deploy anywhere, and deliver analytics that matter most to your business. We call it pervasive data intelligence, and only Teradata has the industry-leading products, expertise, and services to deliver it today. It all starts with Teradata Vantage, the cloud-based platform for pervasive data intelligence. Vantage is the answer to the complexity, costs and inadequacy caused by today’s approach to analytics. Teradata Vantage delivers artificial intelligence and machine learning with scale, to deliver timely, accurate answers and intelligent automation across your enterprise. With Teradata Consulting, you’ll have access to 5,000 experts around the globe and the ongoing services you need to implement pervasive data intelligence. So, you can remain focused on driving your digital transformation. The continual investment, experimentation and uncertainty ends here. It’s time to stop buying “analytics.” And start investing in answers. Get the answer at Teradata.com

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