Pular para o conteúdo principal

The Tableau Denodo connector offers full interoperability between Tableau and Denodo. The connector pushes down more operations to Denodo so the data virtualization layer can delegate them to the sources greatly improving the performance. 

Download this brochure to learn more about the following:

  • How this native connector, as well as the Denodo capability to export to Tableau Data Extract, will greatly improve customer experience, self-service BI and agile reporting.
  • The key takeaways offered through the full interoperability between Tableau and Denodo.
  • The benefits of data virtualization and the Denodo Platform.
  • The four key benefits achieved by joint Denodo and Tableau customer, Seacoast Bank, after implementing the Denodo Platform.
  • A high level overview of joint Denodo and Tableau customers.

Avaliação gratuita Denodo

30 dias de avaliação gratuita na nuvem para você
testar por completo a Denodo Professional


Denodo Express

A via expressa para a virtualização de dados