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Improve the success of your cloud and data science initiatives with insights from thought leaders and industry experts from leading companies like Autodesk, Radiant Advisors, SimplicityBI, and more. Learn the latest trends and best practices that will give you a leg up over your competition, and boost your career.

Architects, data scientists, and BI practitioners can't afford to miss this online conference on data virtualization!


Using data abstraction to minimize business disruption when migrating to the cloud.


Creating multiple virtual data models to discover data associations, lineage, and patterns.


Learning how data virtualization propels you to next-generation data management.


Data Catalog for Better Data Discovery and Governance

Presentation by Mano Vajpey, Founder and Data Virtualization Architect at SimplicityBI and Pablo Alvarez, Global Director of Product Management at Denodo
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Simplifying Your Self-Service Analytics Cloud Journey with Tableau & Denodo

Denodo customer presentation by Nicolas Brisoux, Director of Product Management at Tableau Software.
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Autodesk: Data Virtualization as the Core of BI 2.0 Architecture Powered by Spark and AWS

Denodo customer presentation by Kurt Jackson, Platform Architect at Autodesk.
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