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Organizations are challenged by ever-growing, increasingly diverse data volumes. With the proliferation of multiple information channels, organizations must store, discover, access, and share massive volumes of traditional and new data from many different sources.

Data virtualization is a leading approach to logical data integration, management, and delivery. It transcends the limitations of traditional techniques by delivering a simplified, and integrated view of trusted business data in real time, as needed by consuming applications, processes, analytics, or business users.

Learn how you can: 

  • Conquer siloed data in the enterprise
  • Integrate all data sources and types
  • Cope with regulatory requirements
  • Take the pain out of cloud adoption
  • Drive digital transformation

Denodo Free Trial

Erleben Sie alle Vorteile von Denodo Enterprise Plus mit Agora, unserem vollständig verwalteten Cloud-Service.


Denodo Express

Der kostenlose Einstieg in die Datenvirtualisierung