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This document explains the most typical questions that anyone needs to know about Data Virtualization, including:

  • What is Data Virtualization?
  • Why is DV a recommended approach for companies needing agile data integration?
  • Why is DV cheaper and faster?
  • What projects or use cases are ideal for DV?
  • Does DV support the integration of Web data?
  • How does DV handle Data Quality requirements?
  • What about DV performance?
  • How is DV different from Data Federation tools?
  • How does DV complement Data Warehousing and SOA?
  • What is the cost and ROI of DV?

Also, the document describes the Denodo Platform Architecture, its benefits and the main use cases:

  • Agile BI and Reporting
  • Customer Service and Call Centers
  • Cloud and Web Data Integration
  • Data Services

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